How Marveling In God’s Creation Can Draw Us Closer To Him

Stepping into God’s creation shifts our focus from the world to the wonder of His love. Draw close to Him by marveling in God’s creation.

It happened so quickly. One minute, I was walking carefree along the path, and the next, I was surrounded by yellow jackets, injecting their fiery sting into me. I panicked. How do I get them off? I couldn’t outrun them as they had burrowed into my clothes. After several stings, I managed to escape them. 

I quickly headed back towards my house—anxious to leave the path I had been enjoying only minutes before for its serenity. 

The greenway behind my home is my favorite place to walk. Years ago, Tim cut a path from our house to the main trail, and now, I try to get outside and explore its landscape every day.

This pattern of walking began for me years ago when we lived in Oxford. The English countryside is filled with public footpaths. Many were carved centuries ago, and anyone is welcome to explore them. You never know what you might meander upon–an ancient ruin, a field dusted in bluebells, or even an old English pub.

Although my North Carolina greenway doesn’t afford all the English enchantment, it offers unique beauty—intricate mushrooms, Eastern box turtles, and pine straw blanket the forest floors.

Had my yellow jacket encounter ruined my daily ramble?

I’ll be honest. It did take me a week before I dared to set foot on the path again. But the joy I find daily in stepping out into God’s creation has carved a path in my spirit that penetrates even deeper than those yellow jacket stings. 

Creation Causes Us to Marvel

Walking outside in God’s creation draws me further up into him. He tells me something about himself when I’m outside in nature. What a gift—to find him in the created order he gave us to enjoy.

“O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” (Psalm 104:24)

Psalm 104 is one of my favorite Psalms because it takes my eyes off this world and directs my gaze to God. The entire chapter focuses on his immense power as Creator and serves as a meditation on the Genesis account of creation.

The Psalmist begins, “Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent.” (v.1-3)

Then he continues with verses centered on creation:

“He set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be moved.” (v.5)

“He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting.” (v.19)

Psalm 104 mentions wind, fire, mountains, valleys, springs, hills, grass, trees, and the moon—all created through God’s wisdom. I see God’s might in the wind, fire, and mountains in the psalm. I find his tenderness in the valleys, springs, hills, and trees. The sky speaks of his dazzling wonder. The symphony of creation causes me to marvel.


Directing Our Gaze Upward

Our modern world ignores the beauty of God’s creation. It’s easy to forget who He is when confronted with culture’s constant refrain of getting ahead, doing what’s best for you, focusing on yourself, and producing more.

Meandering through gardens? Give me a break, says the world. There’s no time for contemplation of God’s wonder. If it doesn’t exist on our screens, then it’s not necessary, right?

In an age that minimizes God at every turn–speaking a cultural language of self-promotion–this is one of our most potent antidotes: Go outside and look at all he has made. 

It’s a counter-cultural act to bask in this God who wraps himself in light, to watch the moon pass between the cloud cover and consider his glory, and to Marvel at the moss wrapping itself around the oak tree.

We live in a beautiful world. Why would we neglect this for the anxiety and mirages the world offers?

Psalm 104 points us in another direction: upwards. It directs our gaze off ourselves and onto the Divine. It reminds us of the Creator who loves us more than the sparrows he feeds daily (Matthew 6:26-27).

In my husband’s book, The Beauty Chasers, he encourages us to see God in what he has made:

“If we can, for one moment, step out of the crazy pace of this world and behold God in his wonderful creation, then we can reconnect with the gift of his love for us.”

God is wooing us through what he has made. He reveals his love to us through creation. Will we take a moment to be scandalous, go outside, and marvel? 

The profound power of marveling is that it directs our gaze upward—off ourselves and this world—and sets our imaginations ablaze.

In His Word

Read Psalm 104 today in its entirety. Meditate on all the different aspects of God’s creation and what they tell us about God. Rejoice in His works: “May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD rejoice in his works.” (Psalm 104:31)

In Your Life

How can you make time today to go outside and see the fingerprints of God? Pay attention to how your thoughts drift upwards off the cares of today. What is he telling you about himself through what he has made?

We Recommend

The Marveling Studies by Chris and her husband, Tim. An online course designed to help individuals and families understand how natural beauty can draw them closer to God.

Let’s Connect

For inspiration on tending to heart and home, follow Chris on Instagram. She also writes weekly devotionals through her Mend membership newsletter on Substack.