Do You Long to Enjoy the Goodness of Life?
Sometimes God wants us to slow down and really take in the goodness of life rather than looking for more or ahead for the next thing.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! ~ Psalm 34:8
It’s not often someone makes a statement that is so surprising, so unexpected, that you find yourself thinking about it in the days, even weeks, following.
It’s even more rare when that “someone” is a three-year-old in the middle of a blueberry patch.

But that’s precisely what happened to me recently.
There we were, three families from our church, picking as many blueberries as our buckets would hold on a sunny morning in the Oregon Blueberry Patch. Walking down the rows, incredulous at the size of the berries, the sweetness, and the nearly overwhelming bounty.
It was certainly a good year for blueberries.
And it’s possible…just possible…that a friendly competition started soon after we arrived. We couldn’t seem to help ourselves. You know, who had picked the most buckets (ahem, that would be my practically professional husband) and who found the biggest blueberry (which might have been me, but who’s keeping track?).
Surrounded by so much good fruit, what would be more natural than wanting the most, the biggest, and the best?
And that’s when I heard the little guy beside me say something so curious that I thought I must have misheard him.
“Mrs. J.! Look how many berries are not in my bucket?”
Wait, what? So I asked him to repeat it.
But I hadn’t misheard because he enunciated his words the next time: “Look how many berries are NOT in my bucket!” And he showed me his empty bucket to emphasize his point.
Yep, that was a pretty empty bucket you’ve got there, little buddy.
He had evidence of ripe blueberries all over his face, his shirt, his hands, but not a single one in his pail. Oh, and I should add the biggest smile on his face and, clearly, a happy tummy.
And right there, in the middle of the blueberry patch, I felt deeply convicted.
Do You Really Need So Much In Your Bucket?
Isn’t that just like me to focus on gathering as many blueberries as possible? To fill my bucket to the brim, even sometimes to the point of overflow?
To quietly convince myself I’m doing something important, valuable, and meaningful…and now carry around buckets full to prove it.
But looking down at that precious, blueberry-stained face gave me something to consider. He had “nothing to show” for his efforts and wasn’t remotely a contender for our cheerful competition.
Yet I had the sneaking suspicion this young boy was the true winner, nevertheless.
It’s as if the Lord was gently, even humorously, whispering to me, “Lisa, do you really want to gather so much in your bucket? Do you really need to?”
Or would it be better to take it slower, appreciate the smaller things, and enjoy the sweetness of life?
I believe my delightful young friend got it right on this one.
Enjoy the Goodness of God
So I share this story not only as a profoundly personal lesson for myself but possibly as something for you to consider too. Have you been caught up in a friendly (or perhaps unfriendly) competition? Are you so busy filling your bucket with all-the-things, that you’re missing out on the gifts and goodness God wants you to enjoy?
Or, more simply put, are you determined to be the person with the fullest, biggest bucket?
Or would it be better to be the one beaming with the evidence of God’s goodness all over your face and smile?
Maybe this is your season to purpose to have less in your bucket and enjoy the goodness of God.
In His Word
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ~ Psalm 16:11
In Your Life
As the new school year begins and the opportunities and responsibilities come pouring in, take the time to seriously consider and pray over each one before committing.
- Ask yourself, is this what the Lord has for me, or is it merely what “everyone” around me is doing?
- How about your children? Are you adding more berries to their bucket than they can possibly consume…let alone enjoy? (For example, extracurricular activities, lessons, co-ops, etc.)
- Lastly, consider if you’re caught up in an unconscious competition to do all-the-things when it’s actually robbing you (and your family) of the simple joys found in each day.
Taste and see the Lord is good, my friend.
We Recommend
Looking for a new way of engaging with God in your everyday? I recommend Adore: A Simple Practice for Experiencing God in the Middle Minutes of Your Day by Sara Hagerty!
Adoration is the simple practice Sara discovered for starting where you are and letting the grit of your day greet the beauty of God’s presence. Adore will show you how.
Let’s Connect
You can read more from Lisa on growing in faith and enjoying an everyday, joy-filled life here. You can also connect with Lisa on Instagram for biblical encouragement!