Free Indeed: Don’t Settle for Less Than the Life God Intended
Live free indeed through Christ! Your freedom is His gift—walk in it, share it, and lead others to Him. Who the Son sets free is free indeed!
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.“
John 8:36
Those God sets free are completely free! Walk in the fullness of freedom you have found in Jesus.

There is an intentional purpose for the word indeed in this passage. It doesn’t just say “who the Son sets free is free.” The reality of our freedom is intentionally emphasized through the declaration of the word indeed. If you have given your life to Christ, you are free indeed.
YOU Are On His Mind
When He hung on the cross, you were on His mind. When He declared “it is finished” and died, the price for your freedom was bought with His life. Then, He rose, just as He promised, proving His victory over death. In His victory, your victory is found. To Him, the price of your freedom was worth the cost of His life.
Every day, you have a choice to live in freedom or to return to what once enslaved you. No one can make the choice for you, but His Word invites and empowers you to choose freedom. Choose to live the full and free life Jesus died so that you could have. He paid the ultimate price so that you could have life and life abundant. He didn’t die for you to continue living bound by sin and shame. I can only imagine how it breaks His heart when those He came to set free continue to live like they are bound.
Your freedom is the reward of His suffering. Your life is evidence of His amazing love. You don’t have to earn your freedom; you just have to accept the work of the cross and live out the result. You simply have to live like His Word is true.
One of the most beautiful things about true freedom in Christ is that it’s contagious. When you live free indeed, others can’t help but recognize it, and many will desire that freedom themselves. Your choice to walk in freedom will lead those around you to freedom from bondage as well. It’s inevitable.
Other than knowing Jesus, there is no greater joy in this life than watching others experience the freedom you have found in Him. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Don’t take for granted the gift of receiving the reward of His sacrifice. In Him, there is so much more.
Every day, you have a choice to live in freedom or to return to what once enslaved you.
In His Word
Read Romans 8:1–2. What do you notice about this verse? Take special note of what we are freed from in Christ.
In Your Life
What is something you were once enslaved to that you often find yourself tempted to return to? How does the fact that Jesus had you in mind when He hung on the cross challenge you to walk in freedom from that temptation?
We Recommend
We recommend the book Trust + Follow: A 60-Day Devotional to Know Jesus More by Maddie Joy Fischer. With a focus on exploring what God reveals about Himself in His Word, these daily reflections help you understand the importance of spending time with God each day and explore simple truths from Scripture that we too often complicate.
Let’s Connect
Maddie Joy Fischer is the author of Trust + Follow, a social media influencer, and a contributor to Sadie Robertson Huff’s Live Original Blog. Through sharing biblical truth and her own personal journey with her tens of thousands of followers on Instagram, Maddie encourages and educates an active community of women who long to follow Jesus more closely. She and her husband live in the St. Louis, Missouri, area where they are actively involved with serving their church and community. You can find her on Instagram at @Maddiee_Joy.