Have You Shared Your Innermost Dreams and Goals with God?
Has God given you dreams you desire to do with Him? Maybe you have yet to discover this goal. Prayerfully consider God’s direction.
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered, “May your word
to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.
Luke 1:38 NIV
I never took dance.
Never was a cheerleader.
Couldn’t memorize the words to a song to save my life. I’d stop the cassette recorder (yes, cassette), write the words, rewind, repeat at least 100 times, practice, and then still couldn’t remember all the words while singing the song.
I remember one weekend housesitting for a family that had a tennis/basketball court in their backyard. My high school cheerleader friend came over and we decided she would teach me a cheer and I would teach her to do a layup. It was hilarious. Not easy for either of us.
I recently watched this video and it got me thinking…
What if I could accomplish a secret dream?
What if I could do what they did in the video – bravely dance in unexpected locations?
They look like normal people.
What if I took private lessons and did everything my instructor said and practice until I could do it as they did in the video? Or at least come close.
What if it took me 6 months of practicing that one routine?
And during that 6 months, I got past my fear of embarrassment. I realize I’m not as bad as I thought I was. Maybe even realize it could be fun. And just maybe, with God’s help, if I practice enough, overcome the obstacles, and work on my mindset, I accomplish it!
It would be hard and amazing. I’d be so proud of myself for putting myself out there and going for it.
Do you have a secret dream?
What about a secret dream with God?
Along with thinking about my own dreams, it got me thinking about the Lord and what my secret dream for Him and with Him is. Or what His dream is for me? Do I have a dream right now? Do my dreams with God need to be reignited?
When my four kids were little we would play Britt Nicole’s Say It CD anytime we were in the minivan. My favorite song was Set the World On Fire.
I dreamed about whose path God would cross with mine. Who I could share Jesus with. How I could make our Bible study more engaging and fun.
My friends were on fire, too. We’d walk around the school on prayer walks. We’d plan a potato soup lunch in one of our homes and ask God who we should invite. We memorized scripture in our Bible study together.
Our dream was that God would use us. That we would be brave for Him.
Which made me wonder?
Am I excited about my secret dreams with God today?
God gives our dreams their wings.
I replayed the song Set the World On Fire and here are a few of the lyrics…
He’s [God] strong enough to take our dreams and give them wings.
With Him, there is nothing we cannot do.
My hands, my feet, my everything, my life… Lord use me.
No matter what my dream, may you use me.
No matter what my job, use me.
No matter who I encounter, use me, Lord.
Our dreams with God start by saying, “Here am I, Lord. Use me.”
When God came to Mary to tell her she was pregnant with Jesus, she said,
“I am the Lord’s servant,…May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38) Also translated as, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord.”
Again, when God spoke to Isaiah, “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”” Isaiah 6:8 NIV
Are you saying, “Here am I, Lord!” As I say this, my dream is reignited today!
In His Word
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 NIV
He created us for His secret dreams and even prepared them in advance. What is it that God is inspiring you to dream about?
In Your Life
Has God given you a desire? A secret dream? A secret dream to do with Him?
If you need to ignite dreaming with God, open your journal and prayerfully ask God, “What would you like my secret dream with You to be?” Have fun. Write everything down that comes to mind. Let God direct you.
Even if you don’t see or feel it in this stage or season of life, you are living out God’s dream for you now. Look around and find ten things to be grateful for. Thank God for His work in your life.
Talk with Him now. Start dreaming with Him again.
We Recommend
According to Sarah Beth Marr, we are not pursuing our dreams in isolation. If we have a God-given dream, we can have confidence that He will support us as we strive to make it a reality. Check out Dreaming with God: A Bold Call To Step Out and Follow God’s Lead by Sarah Beth Marr.
Let’s Connect
I help women simplify and organize their homes and lives using a unique approach. You can get more information on my website here and connect with me on Instagram here.