How This One Thing Keeps Us Stuck in Our Spiritual Lives
Our spiritual lives need to be fed in order to grow. What happens when we are taking in more than we can digest? How can we be transformed by Him?
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2
In this era, it’s easy for Christians to get pulled in different directions, making it challenging to stay focused on what truly matters. We live in a land of abundance, which is a wonderful blessing; but it can also make us overly comfortable.

Throw in technology and we’ve got a real battle on our hands.
Having so much variety makes us indecisive. There is more information, knowledge, and stuff out there than we could ever hope to access. Because of this, we rush through the things we do come across so we can quickly get to the next thing. Rather than taking in teachings deeply, we merely sample and move on.
But sampling Jesus doesn’t help with the depths of heart change. Sampling merely scratches the surface and offers information, but it doesn’t have time to take root and bring transformation. Transformation through real relationship with Him should be our desire.
Be Transformed by The Book
I’ll be the first to admit, I can appear commitment handicapped. I have a Renaissance soul. There is so much out there I want to know that I want to just get through this book so I can get to that book, and it often results in piles and piles of unfinished books and no transformation.
This is my first mistake. Real transformation doesn’t come through reading piles of books. It comes through real relationship with Jesus. Books aren’t bad, but they aren’t living in us. Only The Book, God’s Word, has the power to live in us in a way that truly changes us. Because the Word is Jesus.
Time with God is easily distracted by devices while trying to connect with the One who speaks in whispers. This is when a reevaluation of motives is necessary. Are we committed to consumption or conversation?
Stay Focused on Jesus
It’s hard to stay focused on one thing while hundreds of things scream at us for attention, with promises of fulfillment. We cannot press into God deeply because the voices of everything else are too loud. Our phones divert us, TV distracts us. We grow impatient when we don’t get immediate answers, so we move on to the next potential solution.
We lack true devotion because we lack commitment.
Have you ever signed up for a book club or Bible study and dropped out after the first week or two? We tend to get bored because we think because
I don’t want commitment to Jesus to be merely a fad. I want to want it so badly that I can’t live without Him.
The old saying still rings true today, “You get out of something what you put into it.”
I want to challenge you to set aside the rush for consumption and instead wait on conversion. Wait on God for that heart of change that will lead to a life of change. Walk out what you take in.
Pick up a book by a wise author and drink it in deep. Let their words and wisdom really settle in so God can work through it. If we are constantly moving from book to book, we don’t let enough time for the teachings to take root and really change us.
I do believe that God can speak through other people, and He does. Are we taking the time to listen to what they have for us? Or are we wrapped up in consumption; seeing how much we can get in through in the least amount of time possible?
In His Word
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
In Your Life
Consider what you’re taking in that either isn’t helping you grow closer to Jesus or worse, is pulling you away from Him altogether. Soak in His Word, His love, and all He has for you. Get intentional.
We Recommend
Moms in the Word: Moms in the Word is a community for moms from all walks of life who are hungry for God’s word but get overwhelmed with trying to know what to study or how…or when. It’s a group of women coming together to make reading God’s word a priority in their lives.
The (in)courage Devotional Bible: God’s Word graced with the words and stories of faithful, real-life women within its pages. This Bible includes devotionals, theme verses, Bible reading plans and more. It’s the Bible I am currently wearing out.
Let’s Connect
You can find Christin on her blog at, or join her on Instagram at @Christin.Slade, and on Facebook.