What Battle Do You Need to Submit to God?

Life seems to take us from one battle to the next. But we aren’t meant to fight them on our own. See what areas God wants you to submit.

I’ve heard countless folks say that we need to stop asking Why me? and instead ask Why not me? That question is a great equalizer, wouldn’t you say? Do you ever stop to wonder why God has been so very good to you? Why did He save you? Why is He willing to tend to some of the deepest desires of your heart? (Especially while national crises erupt all over the world.)

plum background with author Susie Larson and text overlay, "What Battle Do You Need to Submit to God?" from Club31Womens Strength & Dignity Devotional

God’s not too busy to show up at your daughter’s soccer game or meet you in your prayer time or shift the circumstances at work on your behalf.

“Amazing love! How can it be?”

Consider Your Battles

But while considering your battles, I’d love to return to that first question and dare to ask Why me?

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for battle, so it’s wise to discern why and how we find ourselves facing opposition. Hugely important caveat here: This is not to say that we’re always the ones who get ourselves into trouble. It’s not to say that every battle is a result of our negligence or sin. And it’s not a question that we should wield when someone else is in the trial of their lives. They don’t need anything from us that sounds remotely like, “You know what your problem is?” Or “Maybe this happened because . . . That’s what Job’s friends did. No. Discerning the reason for our battle is to determine our battle strategy.

Get Back in Rank

Our enemy has been around a long time and has had countless opportunities to study our weaknesses, take notes on our selfish tendencies, and observe our unfulfilled desires. He knows how to orchestrate situations that trigger our fears, ignite our jealousies, and compel us to grab quick solutions. If we’re out of step with the Spirit, we’re easy prey for the enemy.

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”  (James 4:7 NIV)

The word translated as submit here is a Greek military term that means to come under the leader, to get back in rank. Watchman Nee once said that we’ll never have authority until we learn to come under authority. Often, we open the door to enemy attack because we’ve stepped out from under God’s rule and reign in our lives. Too often, we make light of nuanced attitudes and judgments against others. We think nothing of picking apart our pastor’s sermon or gossiping about their kids, not realizing that we’ve set out the bait for the enemy to launch his attack.

That’s why the Psalm 139 prayer is essential for every believer today: Search me, O God, and know my heart! Test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything and everything in me that offends You, and lead me in your everlasting way!

Invite God to Search You

We need to give time and space for this prayer, time to listen and to respond to what the Lord speaks to our hearts. He may bring up an old grudge that you’d forgotten about but that has embedded in your soul and has kept you from moving forward into the things He has for you. He may nudge you to admit that you’ve made an idol out of your children, or that you’re wasting too much time on social media, or that you’ve allowed jealousy to filter your thoughts and steal your joy. Whatever He shows you, respond, repent, and receive His unfathomable mercy and grace, which He so lovingly pours out at a moment’s notice.

Once you’re back under authority, now you have authority—Christ’s authority. Here’s where you rise up and resist the devil and his evil schemes against you, your family, and the culture at large. To resist is to oppose, to say no, to stand in faith in the authority entrusted to you and tell that enemy to stand down.

In His Word

Read Proverbs 9:10. How do you think fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom?

In Your Life

Think about your life. Have you stepped out of rank recently? Where can you submit to God in your life that you previously haven’t?

We Recommend

We recommend Susie Larson’s book Strong in Battle: Why the Humble Will Prevail. Her teaching helps believers overcome hardships and obstacles with God’s help while gaining discernment, wisdom, and courage from Scripture.

Let’s Connect

Susie Larson (www.susielarson.com) is a national speaker, bestselling author, and the host of the daily talk show Susie Larson Live heard on the Faith Radio Network with over 3.5 million downloads. She has written 20 books and numerous articles and has been a guest on many major media outlets, including Focus on the Family, the Life Today show, and FamilyLife Today. Voted twice as a top-ten finalist for the John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award, she is also a veteran of the fitness field. Susie and her husband, Kevin, live near Minneapolis, Minnesota.