5 Things You Can Be Sure Of in a Season of Uncertainty

If there was one word to describe our lives today it might be uncertainty.

We are uncertain about the potential of full-scale wars, economic upheaval, political divisions, racial unrest, school shootings, protest mobs, immigration crises, and the never-ending possibility of a new virus. Big issues which cause angst.

Closer to home we don’t know about our own finances, our job security, the health of those we love, our concern for a child who has strayed, or the uncertainty of a child’s future as he leaves home for the first time.

Uncertainty can cause us or our children to fear. To imagine the worst. To look for control that we do not have. To wonder if anyone understands.

We long for a sense of security, for something to hold onto. And so do our children.

Amid personal and international uncertainty there are 5 things that we can know for sure:

1. God Reigns

God is still in charge. Today and tomorrow and forever.

Too often I act like He doesn’t realize what is going on. I wonder if He’s “caught off guard” by what has happened. Does He know about my family member, my marriage, my friend’s betrayal? Or my child who is struggling, a country that is being bombed, believers that are being killed for their faith? Chaos at any level shakes us to the core.

I need to be reminded that He knows all things and despite all that is going on, He still reigns. 

“Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, THE Lord reigns.” (1 Chronicles 16: 31)

2. God is Good

Really? What about a child’s death? The refugees who have fled leaving family members behind? The loss of a dream? The break-up of a relationship? Even the sadness of a child’s not getting into their college choice. From a significant event to a child’s disappointment, He is still good. We see only a tiny part of what is going on, but He sees all, and He has a larger perspective. We cannot expect to understand, and our “whys” will persist until we get to heaven.

3. God Forgives

It’s easy to think, how can He forgive me? Look at what I’ve done. He can’t forgive that. Yes, He can. That’s exactly why He sent his son Jesus – to die on the cross for our sins. Even that sin you can barely mention. He forgives that one too. When He forgives He chooses to forget. He casts our sins as far as the East is from the West and chooses to remember them no more (Psalm 103). He will continue to forgive us.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

4. God Stays

Fear of abandonment is rampant today. Fathers and mothers have left children.          Husbands or wives have abandoned spouses. Extended family members have chosen to break contact. Friends have ceased being friends. Loneliness has become an epidemic. Is there anyone faithful? Anyone we can count on no matter what?

Yes, God. He has promised us that He will never leave us. Ever.

“I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you.”  (Hebrews 13:5)

5. God is Hope

Our circumstances may be bleak. Our child may still be in crisis. We may even feel like life is falling apart on every level. Sometimes we can’t even conjure up hope. We just don’t have the emotional reserves to do so. David reminds us, “Yes, my soul finds rest in God; my hope comes from him.” (Psalm 62:5). David was honest with God. He did not hide his thoughts or emotions. We too can tell God anything, even that we have lost hope. And He will restore our hope for He is the God of Hope.

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40: 30-31)

In Your Life

Consider these 5 truths. Discuss them with your family. Ask, “What do you think this means? How can it make a difference in your life today?”  Write these 5 words on each finger of a child. On yours too!

We Recommend

The One Devotional, One word, One Verse, One Thought for One Hundred Days by Susan Alexander Yates. Keep this book on your table and have a family member choose one word to focus on each day or each week. Share what you learn. 

Let’s Connect

Read Susan’s blog at susanalexanderyates.com. Click here to sign up for her FREE download: “Camp at Home, 100 Practical Ideas for Families.”