When We Feel Disconnected from God’s Call

Do you feel disconnected from God and His call on your life? How can you get back to a place where you trust His voice when you hear it?

“Then Abraham bowed down to the ground, but he laughed to himself in disbelief.
“How could I become a father at the age of 100?” he thought. “And how
can Sarah have a baby when she is ninety years old?”’

Genesis 17:17

Have You Ever Laughed at God?

God promised Abraham that the generations would come through Abraham and Sarah. His response? He bowed low. But he laughed on the inside. How often do we do the same? We sing about God’s faithfulness, but do we really believe He’ll do the impossible in our situation? When the gap widens between what our outward “Christian” actions reflect and what our inward beliefs reveal, we must make note of it (but without condemnation).

We often arrive here because we’re weary in the waiting or tired from battle. But we must not allow the gap to linger within us for very long. Reengage your faith today. Remember, God can do in a moment what takes us a lifetime to accomplish. And when faith awakens your heart and inspires your actions?

Well, that’s the stuff of miracles.

Precious Lord, You are a faithful God! Show me the gap that exists between what I do and what I truly believe, and then fill in those empty spaces with more of You. Awaken my heart and I will engage my faith. Do the impossible in my life. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

In His Word

Read Genesis 17. Take particular notice of 15-22. Do you notice how specific God is in His plan for Abraham even as Abraham laughed at Him? God has plans for us too, even if we don’t realize it yet!

In Your Life

It’s time to deal with the disconnect. God is better than we know and He’s kinder than we can fathom! Remind your soul today that NOTHING is impossible with Him! Wrestle with God and contend for His promises until you believe them again. Your faith is so very precious to Him.

Notice where you are disconnected from God’s call for you today. What can you do to change that?

We Recommend

We recommend the devotional book Prevail: 365 Days of Enduring Strength from God’s Word by Susie Larson. We love how Susie encourages us with Scripture and draws us closer to God by helping us understand Scripture more fully. Throughout Prevail she guides you toward a deeper experience of God’s presence in your life.

Let’s Connect

Susie Larson (SusieLarson.com) is a national speaker, bestselling author, and the host of the daily talk show Susie Larson Live heard on the Faith Radio Network with over 3.5 million downloads. She has written 20 books and numerous articles and has been a guest on many major media outlets, including Focus on the Family, the Life Today show, and FamilyLife Today. Voted twice as a top-ten finalist for the John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award, she is also a veteran of the fitness field. Susie and her husband, Kevin, live near Minneapolis, Minnesota.