God Uses Our Scars to Show His Glory

Wounds and scars are tough to endure and live with, but God will use them to show His glory. Our pain is never wasted.

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin,
but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of
the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
1 Samuel 17:45

When you look back over the landscape of your life, are there deep wounds you keep hidden from the rest of the world? What do you cover up so others won’t see?

Scars Take Time

My friend, our scars are not a bad thing! Our scars are the tapestry of the lessons we’ve learned through pain, whether those scars are the result of physical, emotional, relational, or spiritual pain. Scars signify a battle has occurred. As he does his healing work in our lives, Jesus is glorified in and through our scars since we reflect more of him because of our suffering.

Living in a Fallen World

Because we live in a fallen, evil world, pain and adversity are inevitable, but how we respond to such experiences is our choice and will significantly impact how we live in the future. Will we allow our scars to limit us, or will we use them to inform who we are and how we interact with others? Regardless of the shape, form, or presentation of our pain, none of us can escape it in this life. I believe God never intended for us to know pain, suffering, or adversity—­he intended for us to know him. But the fall of creation ushered in every type of pain imaginable, and the enemy uses that to his advantage, knowing that pain has consequences.

A Giant in the Land

Scripture provides an account of a shepherd boy who didn’t let the taunts and jeers of his older siblings diminish his courage and bravery to face the giant in the land. While we don’t know many specifics about David’s relationship with all his siblings, 1 Samuel 17:28 reveals the disdain David’s oldest brother had toward David. We might surmise that David was picked on, demeaned, and disparaged by his other siblings. That kind of treatment often results in emotional and relational pain and can leave scars that impact our self-­worth, confidence, and fortitude later in life. Yet in the story of Goliath, we see David deflecting the barbs of his older brother, confidently approaching the king, choosing his own plan of battle, and fearlessly triumphing over the giant. Whatever wounds he’d endured had scarred over, and from them he developed great confidence in his skills and in the God whom he had become close to through the lonely days in the pasture.

Surviving the Battle

Scars signify that we’ve endured a battle and survived. From Scripture, we know the source of our battles: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). The enemy of our soul is the source of pain, adversity, temptation, deception, and shame. God never created us to live a life of sin, pain, or adversity, but he will see us through it, teach us from it, and bring good out of it.

As you think back on your life, has anything happened to you that you would be embarrassed for others to know about? Those are the very things we often think disqualify us from being used by God.

We mistakenly believe that God can only use perfect people. But, my friend, that’s not true. God only uses imperfect people because, aside from his Son, Jesus, those are the only kind that exist! You can’t mess up God’s plan for you—­you’re just not that powerful.

In His Word

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Ps. 147:3)

Reflect on how this Psalm reminds you of God’s love for you. Pray this truth over your scars today as a reminder of how God never leaves our sides.

In Your Life

  1. Have you ever felt like your scars or mistakes have messed up God’s plan for you? Take some time today to acknowledge that God can use each and every scar in your life for His glory.
  2. Turn over your scars to God today and give Him full access to use each wound, hurt, and mistake in your past or present.

We Recommend

We recommend the book Sacred Scars: Resting in God’s Promise That Your Past is Not Wasted by Dr. Michelle Bengtson. We love how Dr. Bengtson gets honest about her own struggles with suffering while offering us a biblical understanding of suffering and hope that God brings comfort, healing, and peace.

Let’s Connect

Dr. Michelle Bengtson is an international speaker, a national and international media resource on mental health, and the bestselling, award-winning author of Hope Prevails, Breaking Anxiety’s Grip, and The Hem of His Garment. She is also the host of the award-winning podcast Your Hope-Filled Perspective. A board-certified clinical neuropsychologist in private practice for more than twenty years, Dr. Bengtson blogs regularly and offers a wide variety of resources on her website, DrMichelleB.com.