God’s Inviting You Into the Gospel Everyday
The gospel is extended to us as an invitation. We are not forced or coerced or bribed — we are invited. Will we show up?

“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Matthew 22:14 (ESV)
The gospel is an invitation…and you are invited. But will you come?
I just love weddings, don’t you? They are a beautiful representation of two separate lives joining to share one life together. There are often tears involved because the beauty of the joining of two people in such an intimate and intricate way is such a touching milestone.
The Invitation
Isn’t it such a privilege to receive an invitation? You know that weddings are costly and space is limited so to receive an invitation is a high honor. The couple is inviting you and serving you a feast after the ceremony to celebrate with them. It almost seems insulting to decline such an invitation on a whim. I mean, you’ve been singled out to witness and celebrate an extraordinary occasion in the lives of two people committing their lives to one another. A very lifechanging occasion. What a gift!
You show up at this wedding and everything is already prepared. You arrive in some of your finest clothing and jewelry because the occasion is special enough to warrant it. Even though everyone is celebrating the couple being joined together, they are serving you! All those months of preparation and picking out decor and centerpieces; food and drink. Most of which the bride and groom will scarcely touch.
God Has Invited Us
Do you know, we have been invited to the largest wedding feast ever known to man? It includes all the costly delicacies of grace, forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope. Nothing is held back because this feast is created for love and laughter and to fill hungry souls with all the best things a King could offer.
But some of us are declining the invitation. We can’t go because we are too busy. We need to clean the house or are having a garage sale that weekend. The wedding is too far a drive or at a venue we don’t particularly care for.
It’s too easy. It’s too easy to brush it off and let the date pass us on by because we believe no one will notice if we don’t show up. But sister-friend, God does notice when you don’t show up. Not in a furrowed-brow, shake-His-finger-at-you way. But in a way that saddens Him because He set up a feast just for you but you didn’t come.
And God doesn’t force. He extends a hand. He has given us the gift of free will to choose whether to accept His invitation for gospel living…or not.
Salvation is not a one-and-done decision. Gospel living is an ongoing showing up as God calls us and invites us in.
In His Word
“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast, but they would not come.” Matthew 22:2-3 (ESV)
In Your Life
Has God been calling you to Himself but you are not showing up? He desires fellowship with you, friend. Not just for one day but for all your days. He has gifts to give you but you can only receive them when you show up. What can you do to make room for His invitation?
We Recommend
Come and See, the study of the gospel of John.
The book of John is a call to come to Jesus and believe in Him. It is a call to faith that trusts Him not just for salvation, but for every moment of our lives. It is a call to the kind of life that is overflowing and abundant, which can only be found in Him.
Let’s Connect
Christin spends a lot of time connecting on Instagram and writing to encourage women to pursue holiness and wholeness in Christ through her blog: ChristinSlade.com