How Being Committed to a Church Body Supports You and Others
Being a part of a church body is a beautiful blessing if we allow ourselves some humility. Giving and receiving help is just one way we function as the body of Christ.
When I was pregnant with my fourth child, I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks. The hospital wanted to keep me in the hospital on bedrest until I reached 37 weeks of gestation. The thought of staying in the hospital, away from my family and my own bed for 4 weeks was overwhelming and kind of scary.

My doctor said I could go home on one condition…that I stay laying down. Not sitting up, laying down. I had 3 other small children to care for, so of course, they knew this would be an impossible task for me.
When my church family learned of my situation, they pulled together. My friends each signed up for one day of the week to come over with their children, while my husband was at work, and take care of my home and children. A completely different set of people signed up to bring us meals every day since I couldn’t cook.
While it was very difficult laying there watching other people care for my children, it was such a blessing to be part of a church body of friends who sacrificed their time for us.
Benefits of Participating in a Church Body
There are a lot of reasons being a part of a church body is so beneficial for you but for others also.
A church body should offer you support when you most need it. I’m not necessarily saying all church bodies function that way, but they ought to.
In the same way, you should also offer your support to people on a consistent basis. You won’t be able to (nor should you) be able to meet every need that arises, but you can for some. And you can help with each need in different capacities. It doesn’t always have to be in the biggest way with the most sacrifice.
One time it may be offering physical help for a season. Another time it could be as simple as sending a card letting someone know you’re thinking of and praying for them during a difficult time.
We need each other and often I think we are pressured by culture or the world to be independent and not rely on other people. To some degree, as far as we are able, that might be true. But once we reach our own limits, we need to admit that we need our church community to help us out.
In His Word
For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10
In Your Life
Reach out and help someone in your church community who has a need. Likewise, allow people to help you! If you are in need, reach out! Yes, it can be humbling but it is a huge blessing to allow the body of Christ to work.
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I Am a Church Member: Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference by Thom S. Rainer
I Will: Nine Traits of the Outwardly Focused Christian by Thom S. Rainer
Let’s Connect
You can find Christin on her blog at, or join her on Instagram at @ChristinSlade and on Facebook at