Pray with Bold Assurance Trusting God’s Promises for Your Family

Transform your family’s story through the power of confident prayer—discover how one woman’s trust in God’s promises led to redemption in her husband’s life.

And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything
that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make
our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.
1 John 5:15

Earlier in our marriage, my husband was a workaholic.

I missed him. And I wanted better for our family.

He worked for a company that was life-draining, and it deeply impacted all of us. Still, he was a gentle giant of a man who loved God and his family.

He just had this overdeveloped work ethic and couldn’t seem to stop striving in a no-win situation. I believed with my whole heart that God had a better plan than the one we were living.

I’ve written about this story in a couple of my books.

Suffice to say, I went to the mat and prayed like I’d never prayed before.

Lord, I know You want more for our family. You said that if I pray Your will, I can know that I will have that which I ask for, so I’m thanking You now, ahead of time, for moving heaven and earth if You have to, to give my husband a new job and a new perspective on his work life. Do a mighty work in our family, Lord!

I prayed morning, noon, and night. God answered that prayer beyond anything I could have hoped for.

God wants wholeness, redemption, and restoration in your story. If you don’t have it, this promise gives you biblical grounds for passionate and confident prayer. What are you waiting for?

In His Word

Read 1 John 5 for a boost of inspiration and faith. It’s like a friendly chat with God, showing us how our prayers matter and how He hears us—simple truths that can make a big difference in our lives.

In Your Life

Pray this promise with humble, bold confidence and see what God will do.

Lord, You are a promise-maker and a promise-keeper. I trust You! Hear my prayer today. . . .

What are some situations in your life that require confident prayer right now? Write those now and pray confidently through each one.

Today, try writing out one of your prayers instead of just praying silently. How did this affect the way you felt about your prayer?

We Recommend

If you’d like more devotionals on prayer and Biblical wisdom, check out Susie Larson’s book Prevail: 365 Days of Enduring Strength from God’s Word. You can also get to know Susie on Instagram here.

This guest contribution is adapted from Prevail: 365 Days of Enduring Strength from God’s Word by Susie Larson, published by Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Used by permission.