Choosing Simplicity In Your Homemaking

Choosing Simplicity in Homemaking

In a society that embraces a fast-paced and busy lifestyle, it’s easy to feel like you have to be doing something at all times.

This attitude can also trickle into the home if we’re not careful.

There was a point in my life that I was feeling extremely overwhelmed with my homemaking duties. I was juggling a very demanding corporate job and college courses along with my homemaking tasks. I thought that I could solve everything by seeking the advice of others.

Instead, I was left feeling frustrated when I couldn’t follow the detailed cleaning schedules and organizing tasks that were recommended.

I wanted to give up completely.

I had set a standard for myself that I simply couldn’t achieve during that season in my life.

Choosing Simplicity for Homemaking

Why should you simplify your homemaking?

Because we often create more work than necessary for ourselves.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” ~Phillipians 4:6 (ESV).

God does not want us to be worried and consumed with the things of this world. And although I didn’t understand it at the time, I was making my homemaking an idol.

I was busy trying to create the “perfect” home that I thought my family needed. The reality is that my family didn’t care if the floors were spotless or if all the laundry was folded, they simply wanted me to be happy and be present in their lives.

Choosing Simplicity in Homemaking

So how did I simplify my homemaking without letting everything go?

I asked God for guidance and created a routine that worked for our family. Here are the four main areas that I focused on:

1. Get rid of the excess.

The first thing I did was get rid of the excess. I purged each room in our home ruthlessly.

Knowing that these things did not determine my level of happiness or worth, was a big step towards letting go of my need for perfection. Having less clutter in the home also helped me cut back on the amount of time I spent cleaning our home.

2. Stop over-scheduling.

I’m a people-pleaser and have a hard time saying no. But I’ve learned that if I don’t say no to things that bring me no value or enable me to bless others, I won’t be able to say yes when those opportunities do arrive.

A full schedule does not measure your worth as a mom or a wife.

Instead of feeling the need to be constantly busy, embrace the slow days and connect with your loved ones.

3. Make it manageable.

Don’t create a chore list that requires several hours of your day if you can barely get 30 minutes to yourself. Keep your task list manageable and tackle it when you find free time throughout the day.

I always wake up earlier than my family in order to get some writing done. This is also when I start a load of laundry. I always try to maximize my time by working while my toddler naps or at night when my husband is home.

Never create a to-do list that requires more time than you’re able to dedicate to it.

Also make sure to give yourself grace when a task doesn’t get completed.

4. Practice gratitude.

It’s easy to have a negative attitude when the house is messy and the kids are cranky. But complaining and yelling won’t solve anything. In fact, it will only create more stress for yourself and your family.

My attitude started to change when I started to practice gratitude for the abundance of clothes we owned, instead of complaining that laundry was piled up. When you’re grateful for God’s wonderful blessings, sticky floors and dirty dishes won’t matter as much.

If you feel like your overwhelmed with your homemaking duties and you don’t know where to begin, the best advice I can give you is to take a deep breath and rest in the Lord.

My prayer is that God gives you the wisdom that you’ll need to make the best choices for your family.




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