50 Fun Things For Kids to Do
It’s easy to allow our kids in front of the screen when they aren’t sure what else to do. Allow this list of fun activities to help!
Now it’s not that I’m a mean mommy.
Because I’m really not.
But I’ll tell you something: I’m not too crazy about seeing my kids’ sweet faces glued to a screen—–the computer, the television, the whatever. Especially when there’s fresh air outside and new adventures to be had.
So that’s why you’ll hear me announce: No electronics today.
None. Nada. Not happening.

Well, what are we supposed to do then? They’ll whine say.
So glad you asked . . . because here’s a nice long list of fantastic activities to choose from!
50 Fun Things For Kids To Do
- Catch bugs
- Play hopscotch
- Plan for a fun family night
- Start a game of hide-n-go-seek
- Ride bicycles
- Cook up something yummy
- Draw with sidewalk chalk
- Make sparkly playdough and then play with it
- Start a baseball game
- Lay on your back in the grass (or even cement) and stare at the sky
- Help out around the house (See this free summer responsibilities chart)
- Pack up and head to the pool
- Go on a Bible Verse scavenger hunt
- Read a good book
- Shoot some hoops
- Swing in the hammock
- Get out the jump-rope and see how much skipping you can do
- Plant a suprise garden
- Jump on the trampoline
- Play at the park
- Visit a national park
- Run through the sprinklers
- Make and then play with puppets
- Take a long nature walk and see what you can discover
- Start a waterballoon fight
- Go fishing!
- Make a summer reading chart
- Go on a staycation
- Feed the baby animals
- Set up a lemonade stand
- Play outdoor lawn Twister
- Wash the car
- Chase lizards
- Go berry picking
- Plan a camping trip
- Play catch with the dog
- Climb a tree
- Make a kite and then go fly it!
- Start a water fight
- Go bird-watching and see if you can capture them on camera
- Host a backyard Bible club
- Dress up your dollies
- Collect and then paint rocks
- Play a game of horseshoe
- Make a Boredom Buster Jar
- Build a fort
- Play hide-n-go-seek
- Put together (or print off) a bucket list of summer fun (Like this one here!)
- Splash down by the river
- Hide in the garden and sneak some fresh tomatoes (Wait! What…??)
So how’s that for a start! That should keep them busy for awhile, don’t ya think? 😉
You can also download a FREE printable of this list. Then all we’ll have to do is point our kids to this list hanging on the wall or fridge. Nice-n-easy!
So if you’re looking for some suggestions on what your kids can do? Simply click the link below for your free printable:
50 Fun Things for Kids to Do Printable
Here’s to fresh air and new adventures and wonderful kids!
In His grace,
Lisa Jacobson
100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear
Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.
These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.
So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.