15 Things to Love About Being a Mom of Boys
What’s so great about being a mother of boys? Here are 15 wonderful things to love about having a son…and it’s not exhaustive!
Got boys?
Yeah, me too.
Four of them.
Our oldest son and then three younger boys.
And I can’t believe no one told me how wonderful being a mom of boys could be.

Not that I don’t love my girls—you know I do! But boys? They’re some of the best.
And if you ever spent much time around them….you would certainly understand why.
So I began a list of a few things that I love about having boys.
At first, it was going to be “10 Things That I Love,” but then I had such a hard time limiting it to “10” that I upped it to 15.
Maybe 150.
So really, this is only a starter list. Because I’m sure, you’ll have a thing or two to add to what I’ve got here. But this is what I came up with . . . .
15 Things I Love About Being A Mom of Boys

1. I love their fiery spirits.
I love how they’re ready to right all wrongs and jump into danger. How they grab their swords and fight to the death. (Okay, not literally, but you know what I mean?)
2. I love their tender hearts.
Just when you think he’s the toughest, roughest sort of kid, he surprises you with the softest word or kindest touch. Melts my heart—every time.
3. I love how they smell like dirt.
You didn’t think I’d say that did you. Or at least I’d mean it. But I did. And I do. I love their musty smell- a bit like the dog’s toy that got left outside for a couple of days. Like bugs and grass. Earthy. And sometimes just downright muddy.
4. I love their mischievous impulses.
Like when they hide under the blankets of my bed and wait patiently for me to crawl in…and hear me scream! (pretending I didn’t see those wiggly, giggling bumps under the cover?) I love their silly jokes and goofy pranks. Well, at least most of the time…
5. I love how they wrestle, tussle, and attack.
Keeps me young. And limber and strong. I probably would have given up wrestling years ago…if I didn’t have to fight off a bunch of bandits who can often appear suddenly out of nowhere.
6. I love their protective instinct.
Despite all that, those young lads can be quite chivalrous. They can’t bear to see me dragging a heavy load out to the trash. Or to get hurt. Or cry. I try to tell them, “I’m stronger than I look,” but they don’t seem quite to believe me. They want to save me from all harm. And that’s okay with me.
7. I love how they can make me laugh.
And, oh, how they can get me going! And once they get started? There’s no stopping them, sometimes laughing until tears stream down my cheeks. Especially that youngest one (far right). The ham.
8. I love their constant motion.
Oh, my goodness. Never walking. Always running. And do your boys ever sit still?? Because mine certainly don’t. They wriggle and squirm and twitch until I…send them outside. GO PLAY! Whew.
9. I love how loud they are.
I never thought I’d say this. But here I am. I’ve actually grown fond of the way they slam the doors, shout to each other in the same room, and sing at full volume while washing the dishes. I mean, who needs a quiet house? (Okay, I do. And that’s when I send them back outside!)
10. I love how hard they work.
Seeing them do their best to keep up with their dad makes me smile. Whether feeding the animals, tilling the garden, or mowing the lawn—they’ll give it all they’ve got. (Not that they don’t need a little push now and then….)
11. I love all the funny noises they make.
The grunts. The burps. The motor noises. And, well, those other somewhat indescribable and rather embarrassing noises too…..
12. I love their sweet snuggles.
Does it get much better than this? Even their older sister called to say how much she misses snuggling with her brothers. Dusty, sticky, and stained—I’ll take cuddles from the boys any way I can!
13. I love how they argue over who gets to make my coffee in the morning.
Somehow their dad has convinced them that this is one of the highest honors a man can have. I know. I’m sure I don’t deserve it, but I drink it up all the same—one spoiled mom.
14. I love how they look up to their dad.
Yes, they know he’s not perfect, but he’s their dad. And he’s a good man. And the boys love and respect him.
They also know that he deeply loves them.
15. I love how they grow into fine young men.
So to be perfectly honest? I don’t know that I was as patient – or appreciative – when these young men were squirmy, muddy, running-hard little boys.
But as each year goes by, I can see more and more clearly God’s calling on their lives.
I can see how they would need that high energy and drive to do what they were made to do.
In some ways, so much has changed. They are no longer boys but young men.
Still my sons, but far more like friends.
And they still have those mischievous grins and don’t mind a little dirt.
And they still have a hug for their mom.
So you can probably see why I love being a mom of boys.
It’s the best.
The very best.
Run strong, sons. Run strong.
In His grace,
Lisa Jacobson
100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear
Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.
These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.
So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.