Praying For The Hearts Of Your Children
Praying for our children is such a vital part of their spiritual growth, but it’s often one of the most overlooked tools for parenting. See how you can start praying for your children in specific ways!

Our children sat at the kitchen table waiting eagerly for their breakfast.
I placed their plates in front of them and then invited them to join me in giving thanks to God for the food He provided for us.
Our three-year-old daughter, Olive, asked if she could be the one who prays. I nodded and she continued with her sweet little voice, doing the best she could to pronounce the words that would express our love and gratitude.
Her run on prayer made the baby a little anxious as he zoned in on his breakfast plate, yet he was patient. Even at one year old, he was learning the importance of prayer.
Olive thanked God for the day, for each individual plate of food, for our family, for her toys, for her friends, and for the baby growing in my tummy, finishing her prayer with her fist balled up in excitement, “And thank you for everything, in the name of Jesus and the name of God, Amen.”
My heart was filled to the brim with joy listening to my daughter pray.
My desire for our children is that they know they can pray and should pray to God every day. My husband and I have experienced the power of prayer and we desire our children to know the power of prayer.
Our children learn through the example we show them, and the opportunities we give them to participate. It is our responsibility as parents to cultivate an atmosphere of learning so that they gain understanding in the things we desire to teach them.
As much as it is important for us to teach our children how to pray, it is vital that we are also praying for their hearts. There are a plethora of things in this world, including a very real enemy, all that will attempt to draw their hearts away from God. It is our privilege and our responsibility to be interceding for our children, praying protection over them, and asking God to guide them through this life, and guide us in our role as parents.
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Praying for the Hearts of Our Children
Praying for the hearts of our children blesses our children, as we call on the Almighty God to move in their lives and to guard them from evil.
Praying for the hearts of our children blesses our children because it turns our hearts toward them and tunes us into their specific needs, inspiring ideas of the ways in which we can help them.
Praying for the hearts of our children blesses our children, as they grow up hearing how we call out to God to move in their lives believing in faith that He is there for them.
My husband and I had a desire to encourage parents along their journey of raising children and remind them of the importance of praying for their children, so we created a resource that we hope inspires parents to be praying for specific areas of their children’s hearts, lives, and circumstances. 31 Prayers For My Son and 31 Prayers For My Daughter are great ways to get started in praying for your children or if you already have a good habit of praying for your children they may give you a creative perspective in the ways you are praying for them. We hope parents take the prayers in these books and expand on them, making them personal for every child they have.
Prayer Offers Opportunity
Prayer is a wonderful opportunity to talk to Your Creator, Your Heavenly Father, to let Him know what is on your heart, to thank Him for His precious provision, and to ask of Him the things you need. Do not avoid prayer because of fear, confusion, or a lack of understanding. Prayer is too important to neglect. I want to challenge you today to build up a habit of prayer, and specifically a habit of praying for the hearts of your children.
Jennifer Smith
*I can’t think of anything more powerful or precious than praying for our children! Not only are these 31 Prayers for My Daughter and 31 Prayers for My Son lovely gifts for our parenting, but they are something to hang on to as keepsakes for years to come. Highly recommended! ~ Lisa Jacobson,
Jennifer Smith began, a web-based ministry for wives, in March 2011. She publishes weekly marriage articles including encouragements, devotions, and prayers of the day. She authored The Unveiled Wife, Wife After God, and 31 Prayers For My Husband. She is passionately devoted to encouraging wives all around the world to develop God-centered marriages. Jennifer, her husband, and their three children live in Central Oregon. Jennifer and her husband, Aaron, recently launched a new podcast called Marriage After God, available on podcast platforms and YouTube. Social media is a large part of Jennifer’s ministry for Unveiled Wife via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. Be sure to connect with Jennifer on social media @unveiledwife!
100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear
Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.
These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.
So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.