Giving Our Daughters God’s Word—Plain and Simple

Club31Women.com_Giving Our Daughters God's WordHave you ever watched as a toddler waddled right past the brightly colored, singing, spinning and jumping circus, also known as a bouncer, in order to grab a piece of white notebook paper? Only for you to witness the loads of fun they can have just from crumbling, ripping and gnawing on such a basic and bare material?

Paper. Nothing complicated. Just paper.

Similarly, my 9-year old recently came to me and asked if she could have an empty brown box that had once been used for a package. When I asked what she wanted it for, she replied, “I want to build a store.”

And that is exactly what she did.

Using only markers, scissors, glue and paper, I watched as she transformed that useless cardboard into a lovely creation. She colored and cut out paper images to create storefronts, she designed window displays and she even placed a paper staircase in in the middle of the box.

From there she welcomed her dolls in and they shopped! I should add that this all happened right next to our three-story dollhouse and containers of Legos.

She used a box. Nothing complicated, just a box.

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The Right Tool

It’s truly amazing what our kids are capable of when they are given the right tools.

Well, this is the approach I have learned to take when it comes to guiding my four girls in God’s Word. If I am honest, I am often tempted to create elaborate illustrations and activities when all they really long for is to see Jesus, plain and simple.

They want to understand what forgiveness looks like in their own life.

They want to recognize God’s love in action.

They want to know who Jesus is…as a friend to them.

They want to understand God’s unconditional love – for them.

Simply put, they want practical, pure and true.

My daughters love when I share funny stories about my life, my childhood and my friends. It’s like opening a door and welcoming them in.

From there we typically add in how I related to God at their age and we begin to explore and chew on God’s Word together—nothing fancy, just a mother and a daughter—talking, sharing and growing.

This is exactly what I pray You’re God’s Girl Devotional is—a practical, pure and true resource that causes girls to want to explore God’s Word as it engages their heart and ultimately leads to conversations and growth.

My prayer for the girls that pick up the devotional is that it be a tool, plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less. A tool that will draw on our girl’s imaginations and creativity, allowing them to draw closer to the Lord as they live gloriously for Christ.

You’re God’s Girl  is available online and in stores where books are sold!

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Wynter Pitts, For Girls Only





100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear

Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.

These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.

So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.

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