A Gorgeous Proverbs 31 Printable: Call Her Blessed

One of my good friends recently commented to me, “Gift-giving is your love language, isn’t it!”
I had to laugh. I’d never thought of it quite like that, but yes, I suppose it’s true.
I really enjoy giving gifts.
Just little things. Those small presents that say, “Hey, I’m thinking of you.” And, “I like you.”
That kind of thing.
And if I had my way, I’d send every one of you a box of dark chocolate truffles (my other love language!), but my husband put his foot down there (adding something about the impracticality of mailing out over 30,000 chocolates??). Too bad because that would’ve been fun! 🙂
Since that plan didn’t work, I had another idea and, honestly, it’s probably even better because this gift will last (and chocolates don’t – at least not around here). So I asked that talented niece of mine if I could hire her to put together something wonderful for us.
Something lovely and encouraging.
Something that went with that gift I offered last Christmas.
And what you see at the top of the page is the result of her efforts! I don’t know about you, but I love beautiful words and Scripture. So this gorgeous calligraphy is just the thing!
My way of saying, “I’m thinking of you.” And, “I like you.”
My gift to you.
(Click here for instructions for printing.)
Lisa Jacobson
About the Artist
Rachel Jacobson is a one-woman design studio based out of Portland, Oregon. With a background in graphic design and formal calligraphy training, Rachel enjoys working with a wide variety of clients for wedding, event, and small business branding projects in need of calligraphy, hand lettering, and design.
You can find Rachel – and see her beautiful work – on her website and over at Instagram.
Photo credit: Photo of Rachel is thanks to L.A. Birdie Photography