When You Feel Like You Are Not Enough
I have many days where I feel like I am not enough. That I am not doing enough, not talented enough, not present enough, not loving enough, not disciplined enough, and certainly not spiritual enough. And there are days when these doubts leave me very frustrated, down, or unmotivated.
Then I read Colossians 2:10 (NASB).
“You are complete in Him!”
Such simple words, but their meaning is deep and life-giving.
Sisters, in Christ we are complete. It is a part of the gift of our Salvation. Our sins are removed and we are made whole. We lack nothing.
Every promise He makes he will fulfill for us. Every spiritual blessing is ours in Jesus. Everything Christ has done, He has done for us.
“We are completely righteous in Him!
We are completely holy in Him!
We are completely forgiven in Him!
We are completely accepted in Him!
We are completely, everlastingly, perfectly sinless in Him!”-Robert Murray M’Cheyne
The knowledge that we are complete in Christ should have a beautiful effect on our everyday lives, shouldn’t it? What does this mean when I mess up? How should this affect our plans and decisions? How do we handle suffering?
What does this means as you go about my day, getting kids ready for school, cooking, cleaning, running errands, hanging out with friends, and loving on my family? How should this affect my attitude when I deal with whininess, disobedience, grumpy attitudes, and fatigue?
We are complete because we are no longer separated from God but united to Him, and God is now for us. Therefore you and I are completely empowered to do all that He calls us to do, from the mundane, to the spectacular, and the difficult.
Knowing Our Position Shapes Our Attitude
One of the results of understanding that we are complete in Jesus is that it should fill us with joy! The more familiar we are with this doctrine, the more this joy should seep into every area of our lives. This is not a fake and cheesy kind of happiness, that says, “all is fine” when really we are falling apart.
No, this is true joy that comes from knowing deep within our souls that in Christ we lack nothing. We possess a joy that can be found in the midst of sleepless nights and hard days. A joy that can be seen in bright eyes and laughter that comes when days are sunny and easy, but it is also present in the midst of tears and suffering.
This joy can result in a quiet contentment no matter how hard the world tries to sell us it’s lies, and this joy can be present during those days that don’t go our way.
Forgiveness is for us, heaven is guaranteed, Jesus is our King and friend, and God’s love cannot be broken.
Knowing and accepting the truth that we are complete in Christ will chase away the guilt that we can easily feel if we don’t think we are measuring up. Through the eyes of God, we measure up to the highest standard because we have been made complete in Christ. We lack nothing!
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!”
Hebrews 12:2