The One Thing Your Child Needs Most From You
What does your child want most from you, mom? Not toys, crafts, treats, or games. More than anything, you child wants to be a part of your life.

Not everyone knows this about me.
But I love making bread.
I’m not sure what it is, but for some reason I find the process incredibly relaxing and rewarding – maybe even downright therapeutic.
There’s something about grinding the wheat, mixing and kneading the dough, and baking the loaves. It reaches deep down inside me.
So right and good for my soul.
Yet there’s this one problem.
My kids love making bread too. With me.
And I hate to say it, but this changes the experience for me – significantly.
Because when I have my little helpers? I’m no longer unwinding or getting lost in the wonder of it all.
Instead, I find myself distracted by their wiggly fingers and chattery words. The mess, the mistakes, and the mayhem. My nerves are inevitably on edge by the time the loaves are tucked safely in the oven.
No, it’s definitely not the same experience at all.
So what to do?
I have a difficult decision to make: Should I minister to my own soul . . . or pour into theirs?
A real dilemma.
Because I’m aware that if we do this together, our children will probably remember it forever. They’ll remember sinking their hands into the warm, sticky dough. Kneading and forming each loaf. Trying to follow my hands and copy everything I do.
They’ll never realize that it cost me much.
They can’t understand how it changes everything.
They’ll not know that I gave up some of my own soul-feeding moments to nourish their own.
To be honest, I’m always surprised by their enthusiasm for baking bread. I’ve tried suggesting they go build with their Legos. Or go outside and play on the swing. Maybe they’d like to watch a favorite movie?
But, no, nothing seems as pleasant as making bread with mama.
Funny, huh?
It’s quite strange when you think about it.
Why wouldn’t they rather run along and play?
Why do their small hands seek to be so close to my own?
And why won’t they stay in their own little world . . . so that I can enjoy mine?
I think as moms we can be so caught up with giving things that delight our children – toys, crafts, treats, and games – that we forget what they really want from us.
They want to be part of our lives.
They want to know what it is that we love, and learn to love it too.
They simply want to be with us.
So welcome your children into your world.
If you have a passion for gardening…or reading…or writing…or design….then share it with them too.
Invite them to come alongside and place their young hands next to your own.
Their heart next to yours.
After all, it really is good for the soul.
Both yours and theirs.
*So what kinds of things does your child like doing with you, or alongside you? I’d love to hear it!
Oh, and here’s the bread recipe! Whole Wheat Bread Recipe
100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear
Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.
These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.
So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.