5 Unexpected Joys That Come with Raising a Daughter
A mother’s relationship with her daughter is not always easy. But it’s one well worth cultivating and cherishing. These 5 joys alone far outweigh the tears!

The call for help came in the middle of the day.
This dear, young mom was clearly in a tough circumstance and needed some help. A small break at the very least. I recognized the desperate tone and told her I’d be over as soon as I could.
But what about all her children? Her four young ones, plus a little baby? Who could stay with them on such short notice while she and I went out to talk it through?
I approached one of our daughters and briefly explained the situation. She caught on right away and began filling her backpack with fun toys, a princess crown, and party whistles. In a few short minutes, she was packed and ready to go.
The children shyly gathered around her when we first arrived, having never been left with a stranger before. They began sharing their names and ages. Then their favorite colors and favorite foods. Then they began pointing over to the park . . . .
My friend and I quietly slipped out and enjoyed a lovely, long afternoon over a cup of tea.
Tearful and healing.
Returned smiling and hopeful.
It was nearly dark by the time we got back. We found my daughter playing a board game with her children while the baby slept sweetly in her arms.
I had one of those moments. You know the kind. When you wonder how that could have happened.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that this young woman before you was sleeping sweetly in your very own arms?
*Pictured above: 3 of My Own Daughters
5 Unexpected Joys That Come with Raising a Daughter
Extends your ministry
Together the two (or more) of you can do so much more than you could on your own. Our girls have helped with making meals, childcare, virtual assistance, event-planning, and so much more. It’s like a mini women’s ministry coming right from your very own home.
Keeps you young
Let’s face it, I’d probably be old and frumpy if it wasn’t for them. They keep me updated on what’s happening in the modern world. They keep me from embarrassing myself too badly with behind-the-times technology, clothing, and expressions. And they make me laugh!
Offers wonderful insights
Their fresh eyes and tender hearts often see things that we might have otherwise missed. I increasingly appreciate their sensitive insight and new perspective when faced with a problem or challenging situation.
Becomes a huge help
Our daughters can even downright spoil us. I’m blessed to have a daughter who prepares many of the meals each week. One daughter is my virtual assistant and another edits my writing. We all work together when there’s a crisis or sudden need. Basically, I’d be lost without them. 🙂
Grows into a good friend
This, of course, is the very best part. Who do I go to when I have exciting news? My girls. If I’m sad or upset? My girls. If I’m looking for fun or someone to talk to? My girls. A daughter can become one of your closest friends.
A mother’s relationship with her daughter is not always easy – I can readily attest to that. Not always simple or straightforward. But it’s a relationship well worth cultivating and cherishing.
Enjoy her, mama. The joys far outweigh the tears. Raising these girls is a beautiful gift from God.
*What are some of your favorite things about your daughter(s)? Challenges you’re facing, or questions?
In His grace,
100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear
Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.
These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.
So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.