Two Things I’m Doing In 2019 To Grow and Develop Routine

2018 was a transformative year for me. It was a year to grow and develop routine.

At the end of 2017, I hired a life coach. At the beginning of 2018, I started looking at my thoughts, becoming aware of what I was thinking and how it was making me feel. It was life-changing work.

In 2018, I decided to create a baseline for success and establish routines.

I would choose two things to do every day. My two things were to make my bed and listen to the Bible chronologically on my YouVersion app.

If I did those two things, I had a successful day. Anything above that was a bonus success for the day!

I also wanted to create a course that would help women get organized and confidently manage their home.

Yesterday, I read my thought download (journal) from January 3rd, 2018.

My thoughts on January 3, 2018 were…

I don’t even want to commit to reading the Bible because I’ll probably fail again. I don’t think I will be able to keep it up. I don’t have enough time. I have so much to do. I want to create a course but I don’t know what to do. It’s so overwhelming. I don’t know where to start. I’m terrible at time management…

And on and on.

Guess what?

In 2018, I created a 6-week course called From Chaos to Order, I finished reading/listening to the entire Bible AND I made my bed almost every day.

It was so fun to see what I had written. I had completely forgotten how much doubt I had.

How did I accomplish those things when I had those thoughts?

I practiced intentionally choosing different thoughts. I practiced a lot.

Do I still have those thoughts?


But now, the difference is, I realize they are just thoughts.

They are just sentences in my brain.

Sentences that my brain offers me. It’s really good at offering those same thoughts over and over.

The thing is, I don’t have to believe them!

I don’t have to continue to think them. I can see them, even expect them.

Then, I can take the thought captive and replace it with a new, intentional thought.

Download a PDF of some of my favorite intentional thoughts here. 

In 2019

I was once again scared to commit to doing two things this year. What if I failed? Or if I told people and I didn’t finish? What if it was too hard?

But, I also thought…

What if I could? What if I DID finish?

What if I at least tried and it was okay if I didn’t do it perfectly?

Instead of, “What if I can’t do it?” I’m giving equal time to thinking about, “What if I could?”

So, my two things for 2019 are:

1) I’m going to run 1 mile every day.

365 miles in 2019. Nine days down, 356 to go! 🙂

And, just so you know, I hate running. I’m not a runner! But, I can walk a little if I want to and I’m running super slow. Running slow makes me happy.

Why did I choose this? First, it made me nervous and uncomfortable. I’m wanting to do things this year that make me nervous and uncomfortable. I want to do the impossible. Running 365 miles in one year seems pretty impossible. I want to do things that cause me to grow and that cause me to rely on God. Rely on His strength, His peace His comfort, His power.

2) I’m going to drink 16 oz of water every morning.

I’ve been wanting to drink more water. I already see that when I start early in the morning, I’m thirstier and drink more throughout the day.

I’m also continuing last years’ two things:

  1. Making my bed every morning
  2. Listening to a YouVerse reading plan. This year I chose “The Bible Project: New Testament in One Year.”

What about you?

What are you scared to commit to?

Is there anything you’ve felt like God wants you to do but you don’t know how, don’t have time, don’t think you can?

Why not try? How can God grow you as you try?

Think about it – If you don’t try, you are just failing ahead of time. Failing instead of trying.

You’ve got this! Make 2019 the year you tried!


Tracy, Simply Squared Away

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