Encouragement For The Weary

Sometimes when life feels like it doesn’t want to let up and we become weary, we just need a little encouragement to remember who fights our battles.

I can’t remember a time when I did not believe. I grew up in the church and on the mission field. I had been gifted with all the Christian initials. I was an MK, PK, and TCK (missionary kid, pastor’s kid, and third culture kid). I only attended Christian schools, for college I went to Moody Bible Institute, and eventually married a pastor. So I thought that by the time I was 40 life would be smooth sailing.  I would have it all together, especially when it came to my spiritual life. 

Well, I am now in my 40’s and feel as though I have nothing together. Many of the battles I fought in my youth I am still fighting.  The struggle is still real and there are still many battles that need to be fought on a daily basis.

Everyday Battle

Do you view yourself as a warrior? Every day you do battle. Every day you have enemies that you need to conquer and a kingdom to defend. You might be fighting against laziness, procrastination, unkindness, rudeness, harmful thoughts, deceit, the desire for an easy life, unbelief, and ultimately, daily rebellion against God. 

Every day you fight and on some days or in some seasons these constant battles leave you frustrated, overwhelmed and worn out. But doesn’t Paul tell us in  2 Cor. 5:17 that, anyone who is in Christ has been made new and that the old has passed away?

I don’t know about you but I feel like my old nature is still kickin’, refusing to die, and worse, refusing to leave me alone. It is yelling in my ear, “you can’t win”, and some days I have wanted to just throw in the towel and give up. I get so weary.

Our Old Nature Makes Us Weary

If you feel this way too, then let me give you some encouragement. Our old nature, with its desire to be selfish, lazy, undisciplined, uncontrolled, and rebellious deserves the full punishment of God. And this punishment was poured out on Christ and nailed to the cross. Therefore, we no longer have to fear the wrath of God that our old nature brought on itself. 

And someday we will be rescued from the presence of this old tyrannical nature, BUT, right now,  we still live in the presence and influence of that mangled monster. It rears its ugly head and tries to exert power over us. It tries to make us believe that it is stronger than it really is, that it is in charge and that we are its’ slave. It makes us believe that no matter what armour we have on or what weapon we wield, it cannot be overcome. 

Greater Is He

Thankfully John addresses this in 1 John 4:4 when he reminds us that

Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.”

Who is in you? Christ himself (2 Cor. 13:5;  Gal 2:20)! This truth allows us to overcome our struggles and beat down our idols. The power of Christ in us is what causes us to be able to put to death sins and love righteousness. Christ in you makes you stronger than your old nature, Satan, or the world with its lies and temptations. You don’t have to live life weary or defeated!

In Romans 6 Paul reminds us that we are no longer slaves to sin so don’t let your old nature try to convince you otherwise. 

Don’t grow weary of fighting. You don’t fight alone, and you do not fight in your own power. Christ is with you, and his power works in you. This life, with its difficulties and battles, will not last forever. There will come a day when you will be able to lay down your sword and take off your armour and live a life of never-ending peace. But until that day comes, fight hard and know that God has placed you in the company of many warriors who will fight alongside you, and will stand with you. 


Jen Thorn

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