Finding Hope & Healing {A Book Review & Sweet Giveaway}
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You’re wondering why I was weeping on the flight back home.
I think the elderly gentleman in the seat next to me was wondering the same thing. Crowded close together on that small airplane.
Besides, how can you help but notice when the woman next to you has tears streaming down her cheeks, splashing the pages of the book she holds in her lap?
I tried to look up at him and give a polite smile, so he would know that I was really okay.
And I was okay. Just moved. Deeply moved.
And it was all because of words written in this book . . ..
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things
by Sara Hagerty
Words like this:
I’d known the pain of loss, the pain of not-yet, but I hadn’t predicted the pain of motherhood’s mundane demands.
I felt as if I couldn’t possibly find peace, here, stuck between the numbing repetition of caregiving and the pandemonium of grown life, but could these moments, too, be purposed for great glory?
And this:
My figurative position of confidence before Him, as a daughter in whom He delighted, was one long exhalation of relief. I didn’t earn this position; I inherited it, and that made my safety all the more secure, no matter His response.
Sara Hagerty gently, thoughtfully, shares a message of hope and grace-filled healing—whatever the difficult circumstance you’re walking through. A message both soothing and challenging. Sara leads us to that lovely place where – truly – every bitter thing is sweet.
One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet. ~ Proverbs 27:7
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet
by Sara Hagerty
Hardcover: 208 pages
Publisher: Zondervan (October 7, 2014)
From the publisher:
In Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet, Hagerty masterfully draws from the narrative of her life to craft a mosaic of a God who leans into broken stories. Here readers see a God who is present in every changing circumstance. Most significantly, they see a God who is present in every unchanging circumstance as well.
Whatever lost expectations readers are facing—in family, career, singleness, or marriage—Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet will bring them closer to a God who longs for them to know him more. What does it look like to know God’s nearness when life breaks? What does it mean to receive his life when earthly life remains barren? How can God turn the bitterness of unmet desire into new flavors of joy?
My Personal Review:
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet is both a well-written true story (Sara has the most lovely writing style!) and a compelling invitation to know our God in a deeper way. Inspiring, convicting, and touching. I highly recommend this book! ~ Lisa Jacobson
Now I’m very excited to introduce to you the author and my gracious friend, Sara Hagerty—a lovely lady and a gifted writer. You’ll absolutely love her! And you’ll be seeing more of her around here as she recently came on as one of our Club31Women Contributors. I pray her words minister to your heart as much as they have to mine. ~ Lisa
A Beautiful Invitation
by Sara Hagerty
We were made to crave — God. Even out of the darkest, hardest, most perplexing places of our lives. Especially out of the darkest, hardest, most perplexing places of our lives.
Because He shows up beautifully in our dark.
Yet, so often we wrestle through finding Him in the dark, alone.
But what if we didn’t have to?
What if we wrapped our hands around one another’s stories and whispered – into that dark – He is good. You’re gonna find Him here. You might even fall in love with God, here.
What if we could find voices – telling each other about this God and His Word – voices that made a music that slowly began to drone out the years of lies and loneliness and empty wrestling?
What if you didn’t go through your search for God alone?
What if you found others, perplexed by life’s circumstances, but who said “Let’s get near Him. Together. Let’s give ourselves permission to hunger in a way that’s maybe not 21st century normal, but is what the deepest parts of us know we want most.”
‘Cause the broken, the bone-tired, the perplexed – who let all that ache turn into hunger – those are the ones who find Him.
The beautiful God.
Want this fusion of hunger for God and life-ache and friendship for yourself?
What if you didn’t wait until it was the perfect set-up, or the perfect potential people, or the safest-by-your-standards environment … but just took one little step?
How about this for a start:
You’re welcome to download this gift of a Book Club Discussion Guide HERE:
Six Book Giveaway!
Ready for a sweet deal? (I’ve always wanted to say that!)
Sara is offering a copy of her book and 8 jars of honey (see? sweet!) to SIX book clubs!
So why not gather a few friends together and start a small book club? Doesn’t have to be fancy or formal, simply invite some friends – people you already know or maybe would like to get to know – and see what God does!
If you plan to be a part of a book club that cracks open Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet, enter your name below to win a copy of the book for yourself (or someone in your group) and honey jars for your whole crew.
And now for one more wonderful option? You can also join my dear friend, Joy Forney, over at her Reading Cafe Online Book Club!
Sara Hagerty’s book is available for purchase HERE:
Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet
So grab a friend or two (or more!) and hunger for God together. Our hope and prayer is that you might truly taste the goodness of Him in all things.