25 Falling-in-Love, Fall Date Ideas
Ready to fall-in-love with each other all over again? Here are 25 of my best fall date ideas for you and your spouse!

I’m not sure when it hit me.
But I think it was while we were sitting by the Blue River and simply holding hands.
Not talking and not even really thinking.
Just loving each other.
It was our anniversary, and he’d surprised me with a few days in a quiet cabin tucked into the woods.
And you want to know something about that time we had together? It felt right and good.
We both felt it.
Not that we had doubted our love for each other, but it had just been so busy lately, and we’d had so much going on.
That we could tell, this was what we needed.
This slowing down and focusing on him and me.
I am falling in love all over again.
And somewhere along that river, I got the idea of sharing some more falling-in-love fall date ideas with you.
You don’t even have to wait for your anniversary! You can slip away for a few hours and simply hold hands.
Because if it’s good for us? Then I’m wondering if it might be good for you too.
To slow down a bit.
To stop for a few moments and remember to fall in love with each other over . . . and then over again.
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25 Falling-in-Love Fall Dates
1. Go out for a pumpkin spice latte.
Might as well start with this one, right? Okay, so I don’t know if I could talk him into a pumpkin spice latte, but I’m confident I could convince him to grab me one. And that I could count on him to get his usual 16 oz. Americano and that be would be satisfied with watching me enjoy mine. So that works for me (and him)!
2. Plan a perfect picnic for two.
This one’s easy if you ask me. All you have to do is pack a few yummy sandwiches or maybe pour some hot soup in a thermos, and voila! you’ve got a picnic. Grab an old blanket or look for a picnic table; you’re good to go! And if you want to add something delicious, tuck in a couple of pieces of this Maple Pumpkin Cake. Mmm! He’s gonna love it…Oh, I mean love you! 😉
3. Head out for an old-fashioned hayride together.
So I haven’t done this since I was a kid, but I think it would be enjoyable and romantic, don’t you?
4. Go stargazing.
Fall is the perfect time to watch the stars! We live out in the country, so we only have to step out into our yard, but you might have to drive out a ways or look for the nearest observatory. There’s something about staring up at the sky to make you in awe of our Creator . . . and starry-eyed for one another!
5. Get a big bonfire going.
Build a hot fire on a chilly autumn night, and you instantly have a romantic evening! Pull up a couple of old camp chairs, throw a warm, wooly blanket around you both and grow dreamy in the dancing flames.
6. Hop on (or rent) a couple of bikes and go exploring.
We did this on our last anniversary, and I couldn’t believe how much fun we had! (Or how sore I was the next day….but hey! It was worth it.)
7. Go see a football game together.
I don’t even like football all that much, but there’s something about fall and football that seem to go together—especially if you or your husband is a sports fan!
9. Roast s’mores together.
Now we happen to have a fire pit just outside our bedroom door (yes, I’m serious! rather convenient), but you can try your fireplace or even the stovetop if it comes down to it. You can even get creative and try something other than the traditional Hershey bar chocolates. My favorite is probably S’mores with Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, but he likes caramel chocolates in his.
Adventure Date Ideas
10. Fall is a great time to try a new hike.
So lace up your hiking boots and head out on an adventure together! Pack a few snacks, some water, and a layering jacket, and you’re set to go.
11. Pop new flavors of popcorn.
I don’t know about you guys, but we are big fans of popcorn over here. All kinds of popcorn! In addition to the traditional butter-and-salt variety, we’ve tried coconut (substituting coconut oil for butter), cinnamon & sugar, Jello popcorn, Rice-Crispie popcorn (melted marshmallow), and caramel popcorn. Caution: once you get going, you might find this surprisingly addictive!
12. Light a New Candle
Sometimes I like to launch a new season by lighting a new candle, especially in fall or winter. I might even burn a bunch of candles when I’m feeling particularly festive! Might be when he (or I) get home from work. Might be after the kids are in bed. A small brightening that still says, “this is special.” My favorite candle right now is probably The Golden Hour by Chosen Candles!
13. Try a caramel fondue.
My good friend recently suggested this idea, and now I’m keen to try it! My husband loves caramel anything, so I think he’d really enjoy this one. Here are some goodies that would be fun to dip: tart apple slices, chocolate squares, popcorn, peanuts, pretzels, etc. Wowza! Decadent.
14. Take off on a fall foliage drive.
Because we live in the desert, we have to drive out a while before seeing much color, but it is one of my all-time favorite things. So fill up the gas tank (ouch!), grab that pumpkin spice latte, and get ready to see God’s glorious creation on display!
15. A quiet evening by the fire, reading and loving one another.
Sometimes we read a book together, but he often reads his book while I read mine. Or you could both read our new devotionals (pictured above) and grow together! *Available HERE
Delicious Date Ideas
16. Cook up a batch of pumpkin treats to try.
Like these Pumpkin Thumbprints or some Scrumptious Autumn-Spiced Pumpkin Bread. Yum!!
17. Rent a Cabin for the Weekend
I know this is a little more splurgy and takes a bit of planning, but this is one of my favorite date ideas. It ended up being a warm and very memorable (and romantic!) experience for both of us!
18. Visit a nearby pumpkin patch.
It’s not just for kids, you know! Pumpkins are for everyone.
19. Plan a game night for two.
Once the weather starts turning cooler, bring out the board games and challenge him to a game of Settlers of Catan or Monopoly or try a new game you’ve not played before.
20. Go apple-picking.
They taste better when you’ve picked them yourself. I promise!
21. Bring those apples home and bake up an old-fashioned apple pie.
Nothing says “romance, ” like a piece of hot homemade apple pie. This alone speaks volumes of love. 😉
22. Create your own photoshoot.
Something about fall turns even the most amateur of us into gifted photographers. Don’t have a fancy camera? Neither do we. But you might be pleasantly surprised at what a smartphone can do!
23. Curl up and watch an old movie together after the kids are in bed.
Okay, confession time: Occasionally, he and I turn in early, snuggle up in our bed, and watch a movie together on his computer. Probably not overly mature or creative, but sometimes it’s nice just to veg out and enjoy an old-fashioned romance or comedy.
24. Watch the sunset together.
Brought to you by the Author of Romance.
25. Sit beside each other and simply hold hands.
Not talking and not even really thinking.
Just loving each other.
And now we’re right back to where we began.
In love.
So here are a couple dozen of my best fall date ideas for you. And a happy fall, falling in love all over again!
In His grace,
Lisa Jacobson
A 52-Week Devotional for the Deeper, Richer Marriage You Desire
An intimate, loving marriage is so much closer than you think
Imagine if, at the end of the year, despite your busy schedules and all the demands on your time and attention, you and your husband were more in sync, more connected, and more in love than ever before. Sounds amazing, right?
That kind of marriage is what is waiting for you as you read through the fifty-two weekly devotions in Loving Your Husband Well. Each entry includes a specific theme, related Scripture, a powerful devotion, thoughts for further reflection, practical ideas, and a prayer, all designed to help you love, cherish, and serve the man who shares life’s journey with you.