A New Devotional Offering Hope: 90 Devotions to Bring Joy and Refresh Your Soul
We all go through a season when we need some hope. Perhaps some encouraging devotions that can bring refreshment to your soul can help?
Of all the resource requests I get in my inbox, this question is the most frequently asked:
What devotional would you recommend? What would be an encouraging resource for my daily devotions?

And I get it. Because that’s me too. I love beginning my day, if possible, by reading from an encouraging devotional along with a chapter from the Bible.
This near-daily habit helps me start my day with a right perspective—a reminder of who God is and how, no matter what the following 24 hours might hold, He is good, and I can trust Him to carry me through.
Maybe you’re surprised to learn that I’d need such reminders, having been a Christian for decades. Yes, you’d think I’d have some of these basics “down pat.”
But I don’t.
Like you, I need to be reminded that Christ is my reason for hope, as well as my source of joy.
That way, when one of my children makes (yet another) disappointing choice or when a longed-for plan falls through, I have that morning’s truth fresh in my mind: “I can trust my Heavenly Father to work in my child’s life” or “I can place my hope in Him rather than my plans working out.”
Such truthful statements are short and perhaps simple. But they can also be just the message I need to help me victoriously walk through that day’s – or this season’s – trials.
Devotions Offering Fresh Hope
So if this is the kind of encouragement you’ve been searching for, I want to share a new book, Fresh Hope for Today by Grace Fox. There is so much I appreciate about this devotional, but above all, how it offers fresh hope for those of us walking a difficult path.
Here’s what else I appreciate:
1. The devotions are short.
Right? Let’s face it; sometimes, we’re in a season where we can only absorb small amounts. These devotions are short enough to read and keep your focus when your mind is working in overload mode.
2. The devotions are full of wisdom.
The author, Grace Fox, shares her wisdom and experience as she’s come through her own hardships and setbacks.
3. The devotions are encouraging.
This devotional offers that much-needed reassurance that God’s love will never let us go. That His presence will never leave us, and His strength will carry us through.
Choosing joy
To give you a sense of the author’s warm voice and biblical perspective, here’s an excerpt from Grace Fox’s recent post at AnnVoskamp.com:
“Choosing joy when my journey has taken undesirable turns has changed my life, but I’ll be real—it hasn’t always come easy.
There’s nothing joyful about a family relationship going sideways, watching a friend descend into the darkness of depression, losing a loved one to cancer, or facing unexpected expenses when the car (and boat-home) needs immediate care.
My natural response is to spew something like, “You’ve got to be kidding!” and succumb to frustration or fear. But thanks to the Holy Spirit’s help, choosing joy is possible even when emotions say otherwise.
Choosing joy in the hard places of life changes and refines us and that’s a good thing. But the reason we can choose joy even when our journey takes us in a difficult direction is because Jesus walks with us.
Before He ascended into heaven, Jesus promised to never leave us.
No matter where our path leads, Jesus is already there. The new road might be steep or scarred with potholes, but He steadies our feet as we walk (Psalm 40:2). When we grow weary, He carries us in His arms, close to His heart (Isaiah 40:11).
There’s no way for us to know what unforeseen challenges our journeys may hold, but we don’t have to be afraid. With the help of the Spirit, we can meet each moment with a grace that paves the way for growth. We can face the unexpected with confidence because Jesus is with us all the way.”
~ Grace Fox, from “Life Detour? Don’t Miss This Turn” at AnnVoskamp.com.
You do not walk alone
Does the road sometimes feel lonely or too steep? Do you feel weary from the inside out?
Read and reflect on these devotions and let the truth remind you of God’s presence and care. You do not walk alone, friend!
I hope these ninety daily devotions refresh your soul and help you on the way to joy on the journey!
In His grace,
Lisa Jacobson
Devotions to refresh your soul
Sometimes the road we travel feels lonely or steep. It winds through dark valleys, follows unfamiliar ways, and leaves us weary from the inside out. In times like these, we need the hope God’s Word offers in snippets our minds can absorb.
Fresh Hope for Today Its 90 daily meditations offer nuggets of encouragement, a sentence prayer, a point to ponder, and a thoughtful quote by someone who walked a difficult journey and discovered joy along the way.
About the Author
Here at Club31Women, we recognize that not everyone has the same taste or point of view on books, music, or movies, but we offer these short reviews for your consideration. Our hope is that you will find something new and wonderful amongst the products we share!
~ Lisa Jacobson, Club31Women
[ with warm thanks to Tyndale for their partnership in this review ]