11 Books on Homeschooling, Parenting, and Faith for the New School Year

It’s time to start thinking about school again and what better way to get into the mindset than a list of books on parenting and faith!?

While August is one of the most beautiful months of summer, it brings with it thoughts of fall and kids going back to school.

Your local grocery store probably has an aisle of back-to-school supplies ready to go for every child preparing to begin school! But back-to-school also has us thinking about making sure we are equipping our children with the tools and supplies they’ll need for spiritual growth as well as educational growth.

That’s why we’ve gathered 11 of our favorite back-to-school and back-to-faith books to provide both you and the child in your life the encouragement, tools, and Scriptures you’ll need to start off the school year right.

Books for Kids:

The Hands-On Ranch Book by Mary Heffernan

Kids’ Big Questions about Heaven, the Bible, and Other Really Important Stuff by Sandy Silverthorne

The Hiding Place: A Graphic Novel by Corrie ten Boom with Elizabeth and John Sherrill

The Ultimate Middle School Survival Guide by Jonathan and Erica Catherman

We love these four books for kids of various ages and stages!

For the middle school readers in your family, we recommend The Ultimate Middle School Survival Guide and The Hands-On Ranch Book. Both options offer tools your middle schooler will need in the coming years. The Hands-On Ranch book gets kids outdoors and teaches them skills like tying knots, baking bread, finding water, taking care of animals and more. In The Ultimate Middle School Survival Guide you’ll find skills like how to handle a bully, how to stay on top of homework, how to make friends, and more. It’s especially perfect for any kid making the move from elementary to middle school with all of its new challenges!

Another book perfect for middle-grade readers is The Hiding Place: A Graphic Novel. It tells the incredible true story of Corrie ten Boom and her family during WWII as they risk their lives to hide hundreds of Jews in a visually stunning graphic novel format that kids will fly through (see the interior here!)

Devotionals for the Family:

The Very Best, Hands-On, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions,  Volume 3 by Tim Shoemaker

The Bedtime Family Devotional by Ruth and Patrick Schwenk

When we think about getting the family to regularly spend more time with God, we think of family devotionals! The Bedtime Family Devotional offers 90 days of devotions perfect for families with kids ages 6 to 12 to use right before bedtime to help them understand God and discover their God-given gifts. And perhaps you noticed, it’s written by our very own contributor Ruth Schwenk! We love her heart for strengthening families with faith.

The Very Best, Hands-On, Kinda Dangerous Family Devotions, Volume 3 is filled with 52 hands-on object lessons that will teach your kids spiritual truths and Scripture in ways they’ll be fully engaged by and never forget. We’re talking monster marshmallows, shooting bottle rockets, and exploding eggs kind of unforgettable! This is perfect for families with kids ages 6 to 15.

Books for Parents: 

Mothering by the Book by Jennifer Pepito

Until the Streetlights Come On by Ginny Yurich, MEd

Raising Them Ready by Jonathan and Erica Catherman

The Whole and Healthy Family by Jodi Mockabee

Talking with Your Kids about Jesus by Natasha Crain

We can’t forget to recommend a few books for the parents! We love how each of these books provides the resources a parent will need to tackle different issues that come up while parenting. 

First on our list is Mothering by the Book! Author Jennifer Pepito provides tips for choosing stories to read to your children and how books can open up a new world of freedom and fun.

Raising Them Ready (our second book on this list by parenting experts Jonathan and Erica Catherman!) is all about preparing your children to be independent when they reach adulthood. No matter how young or old your children are, this book can help prepare both you and your children to launch into adulthood smoothly.

Have you ever wondered how to answer your child’s difficult questions about faith? The world is full of skeptics, and it’s so important to build a strong and sure faith in your child early with solid answers to any doubts. Talking with Your Kids about Jesus is a must-read book for every Christian parent. Natasha Crain equips parents to handle 30 tough conversations about faith in Christ with ease and clarity, no matter your child’s age. 

Second to last on our list is Until the Streelights Come On! This is the go-to resource for parents wanting to get their children outside more but not sure how to start. Did you know the average American spends just four to seven minutes outside each day? It’s essential to make outside play a staple in your daily routine sooner rather than later to keep your kids curious, resilient, and adventurous. 

Last but not least on our list is The Whole and Healthy Family. This book is aimed at helping you and your children thrive together holistically. Inside you’ll discover how to prioritize spiritual growth, stay active as a family, and create a wholesome home environment.

While there are many ways to equip our children for the future, these books provide invaluable advice on starting now to develop their skills, faith, and a positive mindset. Are there any books on this list you plan to start reading soon? What are some favorites you’ve read in the past? Let us know on Facebook or Instagram!

If you’re looking for more, check out this post.

Happy reading,

Team Club31Women

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