The Best Christian Parenting Books for Moms of Little Girls

Being a mom of a little girl is such a delight and gift! These books will help guide and encourage parents on the journey of raising their sweet girl.

I’ve always wanted a little girl. I chose the name of my someday daughter (a combination of my grandma’s and mama’s name) while I was still a teenager, and a few years later I asked my now-husband if he liked the name before we ever got engaged. When I found out I was expecting my first baby, I was pretty certain pink was in our future, and I was right!

So I’m now forever a “girl-mom,” which means my motherhood journey so far has meant a lot of pink, roses, and sparkly skirts (my choice, not hers!). But we all know that raising little women in times like these isn’t all roses and glitter, so here are my go-to resources for helping me love my little lady!

Encouraging Books for Moms of Little Girls

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Raising Worry-Free Girls by Sissy Goff

My daughter is a fifth-generation firstborn daughter. So when I read Raising Worry-Free Girls and discovered that most girls, especially firstborn girls, struggle with anxiety, I felt anxious about helping my daughter grow up to conquer her own worry. I underlined a lot of this book and immediately recommended it to many moms of girls I know, so now I’m recommending it to you! 

I really appreciated that not only is the author a licensed and esteemed counselor, but she is also a believer who knows the power of God’s Word and faith in every girl’s battle with anxiety. This book is full of practical tips that are simple to implement in age-appropriate ways, and I found I was taking notes for myself, too! Raising Worry-Free Girls will inspire and equip you as a mom to help your girl anchor herself in the truth of God’s love and experience victory over worry.

Raising Girls by Melissa Travathan and Sissy Goff

If you read no other book from this list, promise me you’ll pick up Raising Girls. A must-read guide to raising girls, this book is also written by Sissy Goff and her fellow licensed counselor and sister in Christ, Melissa Travathan. They are both experts in helping girls and young women journey through childhood with confidence. I especially loved how this book is structured by developmental ages and stages. I flew through the chapters applying to my daughter in the “Discovery” years, but I also read the rest of the book so I know a little about what to expect (and how to help guide my daughter) in the years to come!

I listened to the audiobook via the Hoopla app, but I’ll be buying my own paperback copy to underline and reference throughout the years.

I Can’t Believe You Just Said That by Ginger Hubbard

When I started reading I Can’t Believe You Just Said That, I assumed I’d be merely storing up insights and practical tips for how to teach children how to tame their tongue. Then my two-year-old started talking in full sentences, and I started applying Ginger’s principles right away! Steeped in Scripture, this book doesn’t just talk about God-honoring speech, either. In fact, it’s one of the most practical parenting titles I’ve ever read. Right away, I bought her Wise Words for Moms chart and put it on the fridge to give myself a jumping-off point when disciplining my daughter by addressing behavior that doesn’t honor God and others. Ginger also has a delightful podcast!

Love-Centered Parenting by Crystal Paine

Love-Centered Parenting is not written specifically for moms of girls, but I want to include it because as the author of three girls ages 2-17, Crystal Paine knows all about girls! You may know Crystal from her blog,, but she doesn’t just help women save money on their grocery budget; she is also passionate about parenting from a place of love and discipleship. I love her writing style and the way she pulls truth from Scripture to support her encouragement to connect with our kids before we correct them.

Although my daughter is still a toddler, I think this book would be convicting and helpful for moms of girls (and boys!) at any age and stage.

All The Feels by Elizabeth Lang Thompson

This last book on my list, All The Feels, isn’t technically about parenting, but I highly recommend it to all parents of little girls because navigating emotions is a key part of any mom’s day! In fact, helping our girls to navigate their many emotions requires first helping them understand emotions, and I enjoyed the author’s grace-filled approach to this topic. Her evidence for why emotions aren’t wrong or harmful but given to us by God to enhance our lives rather than hinder them made this sensitive soul sigh in relief. She also provides practical tips for how to discern between emotions to trust and emotions to take captive with the truth in God’s Word.

Whether you identify as a feeler or live with one, this book will give you the language to identify, express, and experience your emotions with less guilt, more grace, and your God-given capacity to live in love.

So there you have it, some of my favorite titles for moms of little girls!

I’d love to know what books on motherhood (especially for us moms of little girls) you recommend! Leave a comment on my Facebook page here. I’d love to hear from you!

All my best,

Rachelle Rea Cobb

Here at Club31Women, we recognize that not everyone has the same taste or point of view on books, music, or movies, but we offer these short reviews for your consideration. Our hope is that you will find something new and wonderful on this list of recommended resources!
~ Club31Women

Rachelle Rea Cobb & FamilyRachelle Rea Cobb is a freelance editor, an author of six books, and a voracious reader. She married a man with the same name as her first fictional hero, and they are now living their happily ever after with their baby daughter in a fixer-upper by the sea. She’s a fan of chai and lemonade (though definitely not together). You can find her on InstagramFacebook, and on her blog.

100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear

Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.

These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.

So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.

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