How to Infuse Hope Into Your Child’s Heart

Hope is her middle name.

Literally. You can see it tucked in there—snugged right in between her first and last name.

If you’re new to our family, then you might know that our youngest daughter suffered a massive stroke before she was born. And that our little darling has faced more than her share of challenges. The brain damage was so severe, we had to tube-feed her for the first three years of her life since she couldn’t swallow.

The medical staff told us that if she didn’t learn to swallow as a baby, she’d never be able to. I really didn’t want to believe it, but those voices are so strong…so very strong.

Her dad, on the other hand, refused to listen.

So every day for three years straight, he offered something small up to her lips. No matter that it hadn’t worked the day before, or the day before that, or the day before that. He didn’t mind. He just kept talking to her and trying, never losing hope.

Then one day, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, she swallowed. Just like that. Down the hatch.

She laughed.

Her dad smiled.

And I cried.

From that day on, she began making rapid progress.

Now she sits up in her wheelchair and eats everything by mouth and even feeds herself.

Funny how when we don’t see any progress in a person or a situation, we think nothing is happening and probably never will.

But stuff is going on that we can’t see. God is at work even when it’s not readily apparent.

And just when we’re losing all hope . . . there’s suddenly a swallow.

Infuse Hope into Your Child’s Heart

Have you ever been impatient with the process of watching your child achieve milestones or mature in some way? Do you ever feel that way about your own spiritual growth or your ability to learn something new?

Consider this: There’s no point in being impatient with apple blossoms. They will mature as they need to. Your child is no different. Love her by being patient and gentle—with yourself and your child.

Infuse hope into your child’s heart.

Keep trying and keep believing, reminding her—and you!—that you serve a God of patience, kindness, and hope who promises to complete the good work He has begun.

In His grace,

Lisa Jacobson

*The above is an excerpt from my life and can also be found in our NEW book, 100 Ways to Love Your Daughter (see below).


You love your kids—but that doesn’t mean you always know the most effective ways to show that love—ways that will connect with their heart, and stick with them no matter what life throws their way. In our NEW books, Matt and I give 100 specific, actionable ideas you can implement to show love to your daughter or son, no matter what age.

Whether you felt a lack of love growing up and long to do things differently with your own kids or you feel like you’re constantly competing with the culture for your kids’ attention, I hope our latest books will help you demonstrate how much you truly care, forging a bond of love that lasts a lifetime.

100 Ways to Love Your Son

100 Ways to Love Your Daughter

100 Words of Affirmation Your Son/Daughter Needs to Hear

Matt and Lisa Jacobson want you to discover the powerful ways you can build your children up in love with the beautiful words you choose to say every day–words that every son and daughter needs to hear.

These affirmation books offer you one hundred phrases to say to your son or daughter – along with short, personal stories and examples – that deeply encourage, affirm, and inspire.

So start speaking a kind and beautiful word into their lives daily and watch your children–and your relationship with them–transform before your eyes.

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